There is Hope: Aphasia Recovery with UMAP
Aphasia can be a confusing and isolating diagnosis. Most people never hear the term aphasia until it happens to them or a loved one. Yet, the National Aphasia Association estimates that more than 2 million people have this acquired communication disorder.
What Exactly is Aphasia?
It's a communication disorder that affects a person's ability to speak, read, write and/or grasp language. It does not affect intellect. It is most common following a stroke, head injury or illness that damages the language centers in the brain. Some people with aphasia may recover fairly quickly after the event that caused it. However, for at least 1/3 of people who get aphasia, the disorder is chronic (i.e., long-lasting).
But there is hope! Intensive, individualized aphasia therapy is the only proven approach to getting someone on the path to aphasia recovery. The University of Michigan Aphasia Program pioneered the intensive, individualized approach, and in the more than 85 years we have been practicing, we have married what we know to work with new methods to help our clients find the best path forward for them.
What Happens Next?
Typical questions after an aphasia diagnosis often focus on okay, now what?
- What does an aphasia diagnosis mean?
- Is there a chance of recovering from aphasia?
- Will I/my person have aphasia forever?
Intensive Approach Shows Results
Through intensive, individualized speech-language therapy, there is hope for recovery from aphasia. Much depends on the person with aphasia as well as the severity of aphasia, type of aphasia, and time since the stroke, head injury, or illness that caused the aphasia. However, the approach the licensed Speech-Language Pathologists take at the U-M Aphasia Program has demonstrated results for more than 85 years. See: Client Outcomes
What Does Aphasia Recovery Look Like?
When we say recovery from aphasia, that can mean different things to different people. We don't want to spark false hope or create unrealistic expectations. A person with aphasia may never regain their full speech and language skills. However, they can learn new ways to communicate.
By recovery, we mean rebuilding or learning new communication skills, battling the isolation that often comes with aphasia, and reclaiming a piece of independence for you or your loved one.
The majority of our clients show measurable gains in communication skills or quality of life — or both. Our care partners also report an increased quality of life for themselves during and after attending a UMAP session.
If you'd like to discuss your particular situation, please contact us via the form on this page or call (734) 764-8440.

Contact Us to Learn More
If you'd like to learn more about the U-M Aphasia Program (UMAP) or to find out if you or your loved one would be a good fit, complete the form below. We will be in touch!
UMAP Interest Form
"No talking. Nothing. I was silent."
Years ago, Theron had a stroke that left him with no words. After attending several U-M Aphasia Program sessions, the cherry farmer from Northern Michigan has shown marked improvement.
"Within the first day at UMAP, I knew it was the right decision," said his wife Amy. "He wasn't talking — and now he can talk to his kids. I don't think we'd be where we are without UMAP."
To watch and read more stories like Theron and Amy's, check out: UMAP Success Stories
Ready to Get the Conversation Started?
Are you ready to learn more about the U-M Aphasia Program or have some questions for us? Fill out the form at the top of this page or contact us at (734) 764-8440. We're happy to answer whatever inquiries you might have. Additionally, we can help you decide if the U-M Aphasia Program is a good fit for you and your family.