Thank you for your interest in supporting UCLL's University of Michigan Aphasia Program! Your generosity will help us fulfill our mission.
Your tax-deductible donations are used in many ways, including:
- Extending services to people who may not be able to otherwise afford them.
- Underwriting therapy and other services to keep costs down for everyone.
- Purchasing state-of-the-art therapy materials and tools.
- Helping develop and carry out aphasia awareness campaigns.
- Funding new initiatives, such as couples' communication workshops.
Large or small, each donation counts!

Ways to Make a Direct Donation
Online Giving
Many people find it simpler to make a donation through the secure online system offered through the U-M Office of Development. You can choose where to send your donation by selecting a link below.
You will leave our website and will be redirected to the fund page housed on the U-M Development website. Please visit the Michigan Online Giving page by selecting the link below to donate securely online:
Tim Wadhams & Tyler Thomas Aphasia Awareness Fund (338657) — This fund was specifically established to to enable clients to benefit from the University of Michigan Aphasia Program regardless of their financial circumstances.
See the full story of how this fund was established: Racing toward Aphasia Awareness
You will receive a confirmation e-mail from the University of Michigan Office of Development, and we will be notified of your donation.
By Mail
If you prefer to send a check to make a donation, here's how:
Please make the check out to “University of Michigan Aphasia Program” and mail or deliver to the following address:
University Center for Language and Literacy
Attention: Carol Persad, Director
1111 E. Catherine St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
In the memo line of your check, please indicate if you would like your donation to be designated for a specific UMAP fund.
Other Ways to Contribute
Shopping Support
Kroger Community Rewards
If you shop at Kroger, please consider adding us as your community rewards organization! You can find directions on how to do so on the Kroger community rewards page at
You can search for us using our ID number: 33172 or by searching language as a keyword.
NOTE: Kroger requires you to log in and recommit your community rewards each year.
Donate Your Time
We also have several volunteer opportunities for those who are interested. This could mean interacting with clients to spreading the word about our program on Facebook to writing first-person essays for our caregiver resource center.
If you'd like to give back, here are some suggestions on what shape that could take:
- Come back to talk about your experiences and to encourage and support others with aphasia.
- Participate in UMAP community outreach events to help raise aphasia awareness.
- Volunteer to be a contact for potential clients who want to know more about UMAP.
- Deliver UMAP materials and tip sheets to organizations in your area.
Become an Aphasia Ambassador!
Be part of UMAP’s Aphasia Ambassador Program. You can sign up by clicking below and filling out a brief form about your interests and availability.