Help Support MARI's Mission
Thank you for your interest in donating to the Mary A. Rackham Institute! MARI was established in 1937 with a generous endowment by our founder, Mary A. Rackham. An underlying philosophy of the Institute was that “human life whether it be that of an individual, a group, or a community must be viewed as a whole.”
As a MARI supporter, you are joining a long line of people who see the value in offering comprehensive, compassionate, and evidence-based mental health and language and literacy services to our community across the lifespan and providing excellent multidisciplinary training and education to the next generation of clinicians.
Donations may be used to offset the cost of our programs and services for those who may not be able to afford them, to expand our services, enhance our training programs, and to provide free or low-cost services such as lectures and workshops for the community at large.

MARI Giving Fund Options
If you're ready to support the great work of MARI with an online donation, click on the name of the fund below where you would like to make a gift.
- Mary A. Rackham Institute (MARI) Fund 330000 - Gifts to the fund will support comprehensive mental health and language and literacy initiatives, programs, and training at our three clinics: the Psychological Clinic, the University Center for the Child and Family (UCCF), and the University Center for Language and Literacy (UCLL), as directed by the MARI Senior Director, thereby fostering the overall well-being of our U-M community.
- Tim Wadhams & Tyler Thomas Aphasia Awareness Fund (338657) – To enable clients to benefit from the University of Michigan Aphasia Program regardless of their financial circumstances.