Psych Clinic News and Events

> View all Psych clinic news & events CBT Group for Adults with Social or Performance Anxiety – Fall 2024October 1, 2024Self-Compassion Group Starting in May 2024May 9, 2024CBT Group for Adults with Social or Performance Anxiety – Spring 2024February…

Contact Us

Ask a Question, Request an Appointment, or Provide Feedback Please fill out the form to send an electronic request for an appointment, to ask a question, or to make a suggestion/provide us with feedback regarding your experience with Psych Clinic.…

Therapy for Individuals and Couples

We offer evidence-based psychotherapies for a number of adult concerns, including: Depression Anxiety, OCD, and Bodily Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) Difficulty with regulation of emotions Problems with perfectionism and procrastination Relationship problems School and career difficulties Confusion or concern about…

Group Therapy

The University Psychological Clinic offers group therapy that provides social support and skill-based coping. Our therapy groups are research-informed, supportive, educational, and focus on developing effective skills to manage mood and stress. We offer several therapy groups focusing on specific…

Help for Mood Disorders (Depression, Anxiety, etc.)

If you are worried that you are experiencing some of the common signs of depression or the symptoms of anxiety, then it is time for you to get help. Start by contacting us at (734) 764- 3471. Our qualified mental…

Assessments and Testing

The University Psychological Clinic offers a variety of psycho-educational tests and assessments. Are you concerned that you might have depression? Anxiety? Are you having trouble with basic life functions? We may be able to help. Whether it's through therapy or…

University Psychological Clinic

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. UNIVERSITY PSYCHOLOGICAL CLINIC setREVStartSize({c: 'rev_slider_7_1',rl:[1240,1024,778,480],el:[],gw:[1240,1024,778,480],gh:[600,500,400,300],type:'hero',justify:'',layout:'fullwidth',mh:"0"});if (window.RS_MODULES!==undefined && window.RS_MODULES.modules!==undefined && window.RS_MODULES.modules["revslider71"]!==undefined) {window.RS_MODULES.modules["revslider71"].once = false;window.revapi7 = undefined;if (window.RS_MODULES.checkMinimal!==undefined) window.RS_MODULES.checkMinimal()} Welcome to the University Psychological Clinic Taking care of your mental health…