Autism Spectrum Disorders

 The University Center for the Child and Family (UCCF) offers autism spectrum disorders services for you and your family through our Autism Consultation and Treatment Services (UM-ACTS) program. UCCF is an Approved Autism Evaluation Center (AAEC).  If you recognize signs…

Fees and Insurance

Program and Appointment Costs Fees for services vary; contact us for the most up-to-date fee listing for the program or service in which you are interested. Insurance Coverage UCCF is a Blue Care Network and Blue Cross Blue Shield provider. …

Testing and Evaluations

All new clients at the University Center for the Child and Family (UCCF) participate in a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation designed to help your child, family, and clinician develop a thorough understanding of your concerns. These evaluations typically require 3-5 visits…

UCCF News and Events

UCCF offers workshops, groups and meetings at regular intervals. Our events are designed to create a sense of support for families and individuals, and are geared to help educate members of the community on topics in several common areas of…

Contact Us

Ask a Question, Request an Appointment, or Provide Feedback Please fill out the form to send an electronic request for an appointment, to ask a question, or to make a suggestion/provide us with feedback regarding your experience with UCCF. We…