Article: UMAP and the Power of Intensity


The University of Michigan Aphasia Program (UMAP) wrote an article about the importance of intensity in treating aphasia, a communication disorder that results from damage to certain parts of the brain following stroke, illness, or injury. The article appeared in…

The Mark of Excellence: MARI Receives Re-Accreditation


The Mary A. Rackham Institute has received re-accreditation from the Council on Accreditation. The designation is used to recognize programs that have met or exceeded the highest performance standards and best practices in human services.  “COA’s program of quality improvement…

Professor Bruno Giordani Appointed Director of MARI


With the new year comes a significant change at the Mary A. Rackham Institute (MARI). We will say goodbye to Director Cheryl King, Ph.D. at the end of the year after eight years of leadership. Dr. King is moving on…

Client Rights, Accessibility and Privacy

MARI's Commitment to Diversity, Respect, Privacy, and Clients Our commitment to diversity includes providing access to our resources to all people, including people with disabilities. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the accessibility of this site, please fill…

Financial Assistance

The Mary A. Rackham Institute (MARI) at the University of Michigan was established in the late 1930s to provide human services to those in the university and surrounding community. MARI is committed to serving clients who are residents of Michigan…

Contact MARI

Clients/Potential Clients: Ask a Question, Request an Appointment, or Provide Feedback Please fill out the form to send an electronic request for an appointment, to ask a question, or to make a suggestion/provide us with feedback regarding your experience with…

Privacy Policy

Disclaimer The Mary A. Rackham Institute (MARI) web site does not provide specific medical advice and does not endorse any medical or professional service obtained through information provided on this site or any links to this site. Use of the…


At the Mary A. Rackham Institute (MARI), we are committed to providing quality health care. That includes respecting patients’ rights to maintain the privacy of their health information and ensuring appropriate security of all protected health information. To that end,…

Training Opportunities

The Mary A. Rackham Institute offers professional training in Clinical Psychology, Social Work, and Speech-Language Pathology. Training is core to MARI's mission and commitment to passing along our experience and expertise to the next generation of practitioners. We have several…

All Services

 The Mary A. Rackham Institute (MARI) is comprised of three units that each focus on a different aspect of mental, developmental and literacy health. We are open to all; you do not have to be affiliated with the University to…